
Choosing a Career: A Necessity, Burden, or Both?

Have you just started your last year of college, and the burden of choosing a career path gives you headaches? You are not the only one going through this process and definitely not the last, so slow down a bit – there are a bunch of professions you can choose from, so it is impossible not to find something to align with your particular talents and expectations.

It is normal to be anxious about your path, but you will see that, in reality, choosing a career is not a burden; a necessity, yes, but not a burden. Nevertheless, some might perceive this as both. Deciding on a profession in the era of too much choice, to which the changes in education that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought, is undoubtedly not an everyday task, but it is necessary.

We wanted to share advice for finding a career path that best fits you, so ensure you follow these steps when making your decision:

Perform a Self-Assessment


How could you find your dream career if you do not know much about yourself? Your aptitudes, interests, and values, combined with your character and personality, make the recipe for finding the right career.

If you are not one of those people who know what they want to become since their first years on this planet, we are really sorry – you must assess yourself to gather enough information so that you can generate a list of occupations that may be appropriate for you.

You may also want to ask for professional advice. Learn that there are many career counselors that can guide you regarding the various career options out there.

Some critical questions to have in mind when thinking about a potential occupation:

  • What natural talents do I have?
  • What am I interested in?
  • What technical aptitudes do I possess?
  • What are my core values?

Explore New Terrains


If what you have learned in school rings no bell, do not put too much pressure on yourself. It does not mean that you are good at nothing but that you must look further. There are many unexplored domains, from foreign languages and arts to chemistry and music. If you have always been good at chemistry, for example, but never had the occasion to work on your skills, consider enrolling in an online chemistry course.

You would be surprised how much you can learn with a private online tutor. Besides, you benefit from a personalized learning experience based on your level of knowledge at that particular time, talents, and schedule. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, remote learning has become quite common, so finding an online learning platform or tutor should not be that challenging.

Research Jobs and Employers


It might sound a bit exaggerated, but documenting jobs and companies in advance can help you have a clearer idea of what you are meant for and the actual job market. If you take your research seriously, you can learn about crucial aspects, from salary and job requirements to aptitudes employers are looking for and growth opportunities. Once you gain more insights into the various occupations out there, you are able to make a more pertinent decision regarding your career path.

Explore Career Ideas

First and foremost, you need to think about a job sector and then analyze the list of opportunities a particular industry can offer. For this, you have to document the global, national, and local job market, too. This research will help you understand which jobs are expanding and which are going to decline.

There are three job sectors, including:

  1. Public. This encompasses the national and local governments and also their chartered bodies and agencies.
  2. Private. This is about limited companies, partnerships, and sole traders.
  3. Not-for-profit, often called voluntary or charity work sector.

Our advice would be not to head only to careers that you often hear about, such as physician, policeman, accountant, or lawyer (although it is perfectly fine if your skills allow you to perform them). Instead, consider exploring some less obvious career paths that align with your qualifications and personality.

Choosing a career that is best known for its high salaries might be tempting, but what if, in time, this would no longer satisfy you? We agree that a decent, well-remunerated wedge is crucial when deciding on your future occupation, but not everything revolves around it. So, our advice would be to go for whatever makes you happy and gives you the chance to evolve professionally, creatively, and spiritually.

Do not forget to consider the size of the employer you would like to work for, too. Are you into large organizations or SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises)? Or, maybe you are more suited to self-employment. Think seriously about these aspects, as your choice would also influence labor ethic (each company has its own values and principles, and this is, among others, established by its size).

Talk to People in Those Subject Areas


If you know someone practicing your dream career, do not hesitate to contact them. These individuals can give you valuable insight and an honest description of your potential profession. Besides, they can tell you what steps need to be taken, what studies you need, and what aptitudes are required.

It is easier to talk with someone in that domain than to surf the web on your own. If you do not have any acquaintances working in that profession, you can look for groups and forums on the Internet; you would be surprised how many people are interested in the same career as you.

You can ask them various questions, from how they adjusted to their new role to how they managed to have a healthy work-life balance. People already working in that field can help you find clearness in this mind-boggling decision.

Final thoughts

Choosing a career may be a necessity, but it should be in no way a burden. It is part of everyone’s life, so treating it with maximum seriousness is preferable.

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