
What are the Statistics of Clubfoot?

Did you know that clubfoot is the most common congenital disability globally? It affects one out of every 1,000 babies born. In this blog post, we will discuss the statistics of clubfoot and what you can do to help support families who are affected by it.

The statistics are staggering. Each year, there are an estimated 200,000 new cases worldwide. That’s enough to fill up a large football stadium. India has the highest incidence, with one in every 125 babies born with the condition. The United States has the lowest incidence, with one in every 12,000 babies born.

There is no known cure for it, but fortunately, it can be treated and corrected through a series of physical therapy treatments and surgeries. However, these treatments can be expensive and often aren’t available in developing countries.

The condition affects boys twice as often as girls, and the left foot is more commonly affected than the right. The cause is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

Clubfoot does not reduce life expectancy, but it can cause physical and emotional difficulties for the child. Treatment is often successful, however, and most children lead normal lives.

How many people in the UK have?


There are an estimated 2000 people in the UK with it. This number may seem small, but it is still enough to affect many families. If you know someone affected by it, please show your support and offer them your encouragement. Together, we can make a difference.

Does it run in families?

Yes, it does tend to run in families. If you have a family history, there is a higher chance that your child will also be affected by it. However, the condition’s cause is still unknown, so there is no way to predict who will develop it.

What are the symptoms?


The most common symptoms of clubfoot are:

  • A twisted or turned ankle.
  • Feet that are unusually small or large.
  • An arch on the soles of the feet that is either too high or too low.

In some cases, the baby’s toes will be pointing downwards instead of forwards.

Can it be prevented?

At this time, there is no known way to prevent it. However, if you have a family history of the condition, it is important to get your baby checked out by a doctor as soon as possible after birth. Early diagnosis and treatment are key in preventing any long-term difficulties for the child.

What are the treatments?


There are several different treatments available. The most common treatments are physical therapy and surgery. Physical therapy involves stretching and massaging the foot to help correct the deformity. Surgery may be necessary to further correct the position of the foot. This can involve cutting and repositioning bones or attaching braces or casts to the feet.

Influencing factors of a diagnosis


There are several environmental and genetic factors that can influence a diagnosis of clubfoot. Some of the most common influencing factors include:

  • The sex of the baby (boys are more commonly affected than girls)
  • The side of the foot that is affected (the left foot is more commonly affected than the right)
  • A family history of clubfoot
  • The gestational age of the baby at birth (babies born prematurely are more likely to be diagnosed with clubfoot)
  • The race or ethnicity of the child (Indians have the highest incidence of clubfoot, while Americans have the lowest incidence)

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