
6 Tips And Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Childcare Business

Working with children is not easy, especially if it involves caring for them. If you want to start this type of business, you are probably starting from the idea that there are parents who can afford private kindergartens and daycare services while at work.

However, in order to start something like that, there are many conditions that need to be met, above all, for the space where that care will take place during the day.

Above all, you need to be an expert in the field of care and education for such young children. You should also think about the didactic tools, as well as all the necessary tools and equipment with which that educational process will take place, appropriate for their age. There are also challenges when it comes to logistics solutions, i.e. the space where your daycare will operate.

Probably a lot of questions you may have about the location and property where you open this service are answered at However, the challenges do not stop there and you still have a lot to think about, learn, master, until you reach the moment to open your own childcare site, where you will offer your knowledge and skills crucial for development and progress.

Of course, you have to start from the business plan and define all the weaknesses and challenges that you would face from the very beginning. When you have at least some idea of what will happen, it is much easier to understand the possible mistakes and their consequences, but also to know how to solve them if you face some of them.

To make things a little easier for you, here are some common mistakes people who make childcare facilities can make.

1. You do not have enough education and experience in this area


Working with children is very specific and sensitive, and if you work with certain groups of children, it can become even more difficult. Educators and pedagogues have proper training in how to deal with any problem, without putting the kids in awkward situations that would make them ashamed of others.

Even when you have a formal education in this field, do not rush with ambitions to work independently, because the experience gained is very important, to know how to face any situation. In the worst case, you will have dissatisfied customers and your business will fail early, or someone more experienced will have to take over.

Instead, you need to know what is waiting for you and be prepared, even when it means helping the children go to the toilette (and wiping after that, of course), preparing and fixing food, and changing their clothes (and diapers), and at the same time being an educator and supporter.

2. You do not research the market around you enough

It’s very important to do this before you start developing a business plan. It can easily happen that there are more than enough such institutions and simply, there is no need on the market for yours. This will save you time, money, and energy, which you can direct to something that will be useful and productive for the development of your business.

But even if it is now, it does not mean that it will be forever. Stay professional in what you do and you will surely get a chance to direct your skills in the right place.

3. You do not care who you hire


This is especially important and you should check the candidates’ CVs several times before making a final decision. Working with children, as we said, requires professionalism, but also appropriate communication skills, as well as practical skills, which will make their stay pleasant and beautiful.

If you hire candidates just because there are no others, then you are making a huge mistake that will only do harm to your business.

4. You do not communicate transparently with their parents


Parents sometimes are really pushing and act like their child is the only one in the world. But on the other hand, they pay for the services you offer in the ad. Therefore, they have the right to expect transparent communication from you, even when their child has a particular learning or behavioral problem.

Even when it’s awkward, communication is key to building a good relationship between you as a service provider and the children’s parents who are users of your services.

5. The location of the facility is poorly chosen

The location must be in a strategic location, which will be in the way of the parents, while they go to work. No one wants to waste time driving from one end of the city to the other to leave a child in daycare.

Therefore, pay attention, analyze and check if there is really a need to open such an institution where you intended.

6. You do not have proper work licenses


Before doing anything, find out what licenses and certifications you need for this type of service. It is better to get them on time, instead of putting yourself at risk just when you start working. In that way, you show that you are caring and responsible and that caring for the children is a priority in your work.

So, don’t forget this important step, because it will bring you clients who completely trust you and your facility, thanks to those certificates and licenses – because the parents always want the best for their kids.


As you can all see, there are so many conditions that must be fulfilled and accomplished, before you are eligible to launch such an educational institution in your area. It’s not just about your formal education and proper training – there are so many factors that can influence the way your childcare works.

But we are sure that if you are dedicated to your goal, you will reach success immediately. So, make sure you skip these mistakes we mentioned, but also research the market deeply, so you can identify the challenges and overcome them like a pro.

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