
October 26th 2024 – Weekly Astrology Forecast

Today is October 26th, 2024, and the year is the twelfth that the Sun will be in Libra in the zodiac sign of the Scales. This makes the second Scorpio year that Libra will be in control of the zodiac.  The zodiac is a system of twelve constellations that follows the path of the Sun and Moon across the sky. The sign on the cusp of Libra is represented with the symbol of scales, and the sign at the end of the twelfth year is a direct descendant of a fairy godmother who magically transformed a young man into a pig.  (Those who don’t want to know the answer to that one can just go to the next question.) ~~

The upcoming zodiac sign of Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22) is the sign of balance, partnership, and cooperation. The early years of your life can be considered a period of growth and learning. This time is when you learn to manage your emotions, express yourself, and begin to establish a sense of self.

Each week, I will post a compilation of my forecast for the planets of the Zodiac, and how they will affect your life for the coming week.


Weekly Astrological Forecasts for All Signs October 26, 2024



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Mercury retrograde will be back in your 7th house this week. On the same day (the 28th), Venus, who rules this house, will enter in the opposite direction. So one at the front and one at the back. Past love affairs, problems with partners, lovers or other close long-term relationships that have let you down, love for something you once loved – is it time to lift the guardians or solve the problem once and for all? The full moon of Halloween falls on Uranus in your currency area. The full moon brings highlights and life-changing experiences. But Uranus in conjunction tells us that this has its own direction. Uranus wants to liberate you on some level. It can be about money, debts, money in general, your salary, and yes, partnerships too, because it’s a two-way exchange. Avoid large financial commitments and transactions during this time. But anything you’ve pushed away, whether it’s conversations or things, can take on a life of its own and take on a direction of its own. Hold on to those values, Aries. They will be your compass and your magic for Halloween. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: It’s Halloween Blue Moon, Aries! Your real magic comes from your values – and your refusal to betray. Stick to what your soul tells you to do. It’s your spell book and your compass.




This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Getting rid of something (finally) could be the theme of this week’s Full Moon in your 1st house. The Halloween house. With Uranus in your first house. Signs that this will bring a peak experience where you get rid of something that just doesn’t fit your nature and values, Taurus.

Keep it simple

Venus, the ruler, is also on the move this week. It will be in your 6 on the 28th. House on – the day when Mercury, the ruler of this house, returns to this house from the other side. Imagine a guest entering through the front door and another through the back door. There are elements of your work (paid or unpaid), your routine and your well-being that still need your attention and that you need to address now. In all cases, you are asked to keep it simple. So keep it simple. Because solutions are usually found. It is very likely that what you need to get rid of has a strong influence on how you feel. Whether you know it or not. And chances are it’s someone close to you. If you do not handle this, the following side effects may occur: Confusion, tears, frustration, loss of energy, loss of faith in love and your dreams, feeling distant. If we do not take the steps we are supposed to take, sooner or later the universe will intervene and provide us with the circumstances to do so. Others may be surprised in the best way by a partner’s gesture or a chance to shift up a gear. If so, take it as a sign that you made the right choices for the full moon, Taurus. Anyway, you’re free to fly now. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: Halloween brings a full blue moon in your 1st year. House. The surprise could be the direction you want to take your personal desires now, Taurus. The magic of change. This week it is: Love is coming.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! This week, Gemini, Mercury returns with the Moon in your 5th house. Sign on the back for loved ones, children, creative expression and anything else that fills your heart with joy. On the same day this happens (the 28th), Venus enters the same house, but through the front door. Think of it as releasing all the potential between them. Parents, foster parents, grandparents, toddlers and your adult children can all participate now. Like the return of a loved one or a chance to shine and showcase your talents. What comes back can seem entirely new, so revivals and reconciliations are possible thanks to the advance of Venus.

Tales of the unexpected

That theme of the past somehow – and perhaps unexpectedly – resurfacing is part of the magic of Halloween for you this week. On this day you have a full moon in the 12th house. Sign with Uranus. Uranus loves surprises. The full moon brings the culmination of the experience and then promises a beginning of something new. The main goal of Uranus is always freedom. A missing piece of the puzzle, something hidden, a message or a piece of information makes you look at something in a new way. It can electrify you and literally come out of nowhere. Expect revelations now that will affect your well-being in the long run. It makes you feel better, even when you’re talking about something obvious. The Halloween effect for you? The ability to rise on a broom is higher than before, twin. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: Under the influence of the full blue moon of Halloween in Gemini, everything old can become new again. Especially when it comes to love. Expect the past to appear in unexpected ways. This can have pleasant consequences.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Any month with a blue moon will be very important to you, Cancer. It’s scary because the second full moon of the month falls on Halloween. Goals, friendships, contacts, connections will be part of it. This is also true of the broader vision that is unfolding. But first, let’s talk about where you hang your witch’s hat – in your house, apartment, flat, or just where you put your kettle. This week the planets are entering your 4th house from two directions. Mercury retro at the back door and Venus at the front door. It’s time to focus on what you need to do to get your house in order. Venus wants perfection and pleasure. But Mercury wants us to deal with practical matters. Updating, organizing, working around the house, planning, paying bills, making sure everything is in order and working. Clarification of any outstanding issues with the landlord, council, mortgage, repairs etc. Of course, this is trivial. But it allows us to enjoy our home and feel at home.

Expect the unexpected

On Halloween, the full blue moon is in your 11th house. House in conjunction with Uranus (whose color is electric blue, by the way). This is the main house of Uranus in your horoscope. Friendships or a specific friend or group of people can be highlighted for you. All signs know that the full moon brings exceptional experiences. If you’re out with friends during this full moon – whether it’s one friend or a whole group – be aware that things may not go as planned. If you ignore social distance, you may find that you no longer feel resonance. And if a friendship immediately comes to mind as this Moon approaches, it’s someone or something that demands your attention. Unexpected invitations, however, can open doors to new opportunities. Don’t say no. Your goals may change, and you need to know now who will accompany you in the future. Sharing Halloween with like-minded people is a positive aspect of this Full Moon. Especially if you’re proud of being different. Do you want to study astrology? We can’t imagine a better full moon to start with. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: They get creepy, they multiply. Expect some great experiences under this week’s full blue moon – Halloween, Cancer. Someone may have an unexpected influence on your future path. Be prepared to go in a new direction.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Do it again, Leo. You may need to do that again this week, as Mercury retrograde enters the ruling 3rd house on the 28th. Venus also appears in this house – through the front door. Writing, publishing, internet, studying, moving – you may need to rethink one, several or all of these areas. And if you repeat yourself, say it with love. It is now likely that the project will be revived and the discussion will continue where it ended. It could be a former client, a lover or even a boss. This week is also about your background and your public image. You need to be able to work with them like a boss, because your brand manages reputation. Make sure you look your best during the full blue moon of Halloween. Especially when it comes to those who are important.

Controlling the reputation, having the track record

The full moon collides with Uranus in your 10th house. House. It’s about using your mind and your authority, but in your own way. Yes, you can play by the rules and stand out as a visionary. The full moon brings strength and maximum energy. Uranus stands for renewal, evolution and freedom. Some of you may be working on a major career deal. Others may make decisions that affect their position or even their personal status. If you find yourself on the wrong path or at a dead end, this Full Moon can point you in a direction where you can get your broom flying in a more satisfying direction. Halloween gives you the power to decide where you go next, Leo. So be the one to make the decisions. After all, you’re your own boss. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: Your path and purpose are more relevant than ever this week, Leo. Thanks to the directional blue full moon in your 10th house. House. Set a new course. And succeed in your own way.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Mercury remains retrograde and returns to the second house on the 28th. On the same day, Venus, who rules this house, leaves your main house. House and reach him through the opposite door. So focus on the potential between these two signs when it comes to your money, income, cash flow, possessions, side income and self-esteem, Virgo. Do you need another audit in one or more of these areas? Do this before Mercury goes direct again next month.

Good thinking starts at home

This week brings a blue moon into your 9th house. House, which is focused on freedom. This is generally what I like to call the explorer’s moon, because this house rules over distant travel. But these days, most of us would rather stay home than go on an adventure. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot more to discover here. Right from your room or your neighborhood. The familiar can seem unfamiliar. You can also use the Internet to communicate with people far away from you. This full moon has an unusual companion. Uranus. Uranus wants us to evolve with a sense of freedom. You can literally free yourself in an unexpected way from what was holding you back or blocking you. Under this moon, something can be completed or finished that will pave the way for you to reach that particular goal. Big projects, anything to do with law or studies, foreign affairs, media, animals, outdoor leisure. Opportunity comes disguised under this full moon. Choose another path below. It will take you exactly where you need to go, Virgo. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: This Halloween, Virgo, you’re invited to take a trip. To steer the broom in a new direction. Ideas, learning opportunities and experiences are available to you. The journey begins – right from your front door or living room!




This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Prepare to be reborn and rebooted. Venus comes in your first year. Sign and let it be known that it’s time for narcissism, starting on the 28th. This Halloween, Libra, is all about transformation and magic. Mercury retrograde will reappear through the back door on the same day. So think of the in-between space as a place where you can create a new image or message for yourself. A minor adjustment to the signs before Mercury goes direct again next month.

Real change can happen behind closed doors

Change is in the air, so follow the wind for Halloween, Libra. You have a blue moon in your house of transformation, sharing and empowerment. This is your second home of money. It manages your salary, benefits, taxes, inheritance, mortgages, loans and community assets. And your sex life, too. Under this moon, things may change or circumstances may change between you and someone else. What it is can be very intimate. It’s funny how many people find it easier to talk about sex than money. Negotiations can end under this moon. Or there’s something you can refine. The result will be a new kind of freedom that you haven’t experienced in a long time. It might even look like a renaissance. Some of you may be literally letting go of a problem that has held you in its grip for too long. Thanks to Uranus for that. In this time of witchcraft, Libra, the most important thing is to fly away from whatever is holding you back. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: This week’s full blue moon indicates an important discussion or transformation, Libra. It may be behind closed doors or too personal to share. But this exhibition is an alchemy.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! This week, Scorpio, you’ll be treated to all sorts of dynamic duets and doubles. Especially those with a link to the past. Mercury retro departs on the 28th. your sign and enters your 12th on the 28th. Characters. On the same day, Venus arrives here – on the other side of the house. So think of it as one entering through the back door and the other entering through the front door. This is your home from the past, so expect elements from the past to appear now or even reappear. If not in person, it’s certainly in your mind or in strange memories that make you relive elements of this story. What have you learned or how have you changed since then? If you were faced with the same choice now, would you choose differently this time?

Hubble bubble, double problem!

Halloween will give us a full blue moon in your 7th. House and conjunction with Uranus. So it’s about you and someone else, but probably not in the way you think. Uranus is the planet where all bets are off. It’s very unpredictable. But we know one thing: He wants us to move forward. It’s about developing your experience of love or partnership. Be open to all the forms it can take. Unexpected encounters, twists of fate from the past may play a role. Or you can conjure up a lover like you’ve never seen before. Maybe someone will share their broom with you. The full moon brings a culmination of experiences that free us up to do something new. Don’t be afraid of this conversation or discussion with your loved one. A new love can be born out of an old love. Or leave the old on the broom and move on to something or someone new. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: Halloween brings twice the magic, twice the trouble, and maybe twice the love, Scorpio. A full blue moon in your permanent love zone promotes dynamic duets of all kinds. And that develops your soul.

Magnetic switch

This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! This week, Sag, take a broom back to the future. Retro Mercury will re-enter your 11th on the 28th, and Venus will also arrive here – through the front door on the same day. Old friendships, acquaintances and meeting places may resurface. These are the goals that can be achieved, for this is your home from the days of the future past. There is an element of time travel in the air for Halloween. Expect to see something again. Friendship. Group. Communications. A dream. And check the relevance. Does the answer hold? Maybe it’s time to reconnect or reinvigorate a goal that you now realize you shouldn’t have let go of?

Back to the future or back to the past?

Uranus is the ruler of your 11th house. House. And it’s all taken up with the blue moon this week, on Halloween. When the Sun in your 12th opposes the Sun in your 6th, it is about how past decisions have affected your feelings and actions in the present. It’s a witchcraft routine, a habit of stirring in the cauldron, a magical mixture of what you eat, for example. Is it time for a new witchcraft? An enchanted mixture? Carefully consider how each decision you make (or don’t make, because that’s also a decision) has brought you to where you are today. There is a clear connection and pattern here. Before you look ahead, consider how this decision will affect your future. Pay attention to all possible ways. Letting go is also a choice. Your choices under this blue moon may surprise you. But that’s what you need now, Sag. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: This Halloween, you can take a trip down memory lane. Under the light of the full blue moon, you can reconnect with old friends, spirits or even childhood. Make sure you only include what is relevant for the future.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! This Halloween week, it’s best to look forward, Capricorn. Make sure your broom shines and sparkles under the light of this week’s blue moon. They are not just displayed on a page. Then cast a spell to impress. Mercury retro, which is back in your 10th house. The sign for career and status appears, and Venus, who also enters here on the 28th, tells you that you have a second chance to make a first impression. That’s where your public image is. Where one is known by what one has accomplished and how one acts. This week you can re-plan, apply or revitalize a project, plan or career opportunity. Or meet someone powerful again. Just know that it might be worth asking a second time now.

Fly boldly on your broomstick your way

This week the full blue moon is in your other house, where you are exposed. Your fifth. Here you can shine and attract attention. Mostly by doing what you love to do. If you want to turn a hobby or passion into your profession or if you want to stand out for your talents, this is the place to do it. He doesn’t have as serious an attitude as your tithing. But in conjunction with transits around the 10th. House and Uranus in the 5th. House can provide you with an unexpected opportunity to stand out, be recognized, and be rewarded in some way. The full moon brings the highlight of the experience. The realization of a creative project is one element. The same goes for deciding whether a particular lover is right for you – or not. A date can have unexpected consequences, pleasant or disappointing. Others may attract the attention of someone wildly and sexually different from them. They have to stand out from the crowd in some way. Or by how they look. Or what they do or like. Your show attracts them. Stand out under this full moon. And fly the broom to success, Capricorn. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: This Halloween, Capricorn, you will be seen personally or professionally. Candy or candy? You know you can be both. The trick is to not be afraid to stand out. A treat? Attention and the rewards that come with it.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Show your wild side this Halloween week, Aquarius. Especially if you’ve been keeping it a secret lately. Mercury retrograde passes through your 9th on the 28th. Signs of freedom and expansion are returning. The same day, Venus arrives here from the other side. In the middle, there’s all this potential waiting to be released.

Exploring the freedom/security paradox

You can explore it from the comfort of your couch. Freedom comes in many forms. It means having a home and a lifestyle that helps us do that. This week, the blue moon of Halloween offers that opportunity. This is the home of the Moon, so expect a wave of strong emotions. With unexpected twists. It can be your home, your apartment, the people you live with or share your space with, your family, your landlord, your community, your homeland or your roots. Events in the outside world can affect you. This is because the full moon is in conjunction with Uranus, your ruler. This week you are part of a bigger plan or picture. And it can lead to changes in any of the above areas. They can be unexpected, even disturbing. But tell yourself it’s not serious. Because when this happens, it means that your comfort zone has become a cage that hinders your growth. The changes that follow this Full Moon will create more security and a better foundation for experiencing true and lasting freedom. That’s the paradox of this week. So take the unexpected as it comes. A chance to live a better life. Freedom from everything that limits you. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for some more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: Don’t cling to the status quo this week, Aquarius. The Uranus manager is equipped with a plan. And a new job for your broom under the blue moon this week. Lifting the broom can be part of it. More freedom and security follow.



This Halloween brings us a full blue moon in the 8th. The degree of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio which is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Now check your birth chart for the 8 degree horoscope factors of each sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hold on to your broom – it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Love is the change you’ve been waiting for, Pisces. Expect changes to existing agreements this week. When you negotiate something, do it with power and love. Words are spells. And this Halloween, I want you to experience the power of your words. And the meaning behind it. You’re back to the terms you now share with someone else. Your boss, your accountant, or even a bank or government agency. Contracts, negotiations and agreements can be important now that Mercury enters your eighth sign on the 28th. This is your other house of money, and Venus, who rules your bank account, also arrives here on this day. On the other side of the bow, if you like. It could be common property, your salary or pay rise, payments, mortgages, credit cards or money you owe or still owe. Or just discuss the terms of your relationship. I mean, who gives or does what. Formulate your terms with diplomacy and love. But stay with them.

Words are magical, that is why they are called spelling

This week the full blue moon is in conjunction with Uranus ruling Mercury in 3rd position. This is your home for communication, words, contracts, business, writing, publishing and the internet. The full moon is the climax and the conclusion. So expect him to do it. Getting rid of misunderstandings will bring you the freedom that Uranus wants to give you. The power to achieve the result you want lies both in how you say it and in what lies behind it, Pisces. That’s why we’re talking about spelling. Speak, write and communicate in a focused way. It’s magical. If you find planets in 8 degrees in your horoscope and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for a little more Halloween magic and a broom sweep. In a nutshell: Write, speak and weave magic under the full blue moon of Halloween this week, Pisces. Say it with intention – and with love. Words are spells, and you have the ability to weave one. world has been changing dramatically in recent years. We have moved past the point of fearing the unknown, there is no need for fear, it is all change. We have turned into the people that we have been waiting for, a group of people that are ready to take the world by storm and make a change. We are the people that are going to move the world forward and make it into a better place, we are the ones that are going to change the world.. Read more about libra horoscope and let us know what you think.

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