The 5 Most Popular CBD Intakes Ranked

CBD is becoming more popular with a wide range of products you can choose from to suit your needs. CBD products come with a range of different benefits such as the ability to aid sleep, reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety as well as have anti-inflammatory properties which are great for soothing aches and pains.

With such a massive range of products available to us, it can seem overwhelming if you’re new to CBD, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re going to rank the most popular CBD intakes to help you decide which is best for you, from edible cbd to oils and creams, read more about them below.

1. Oil

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CBD oil is probably the one product you’ve heard about before. It has powerful stress-relieving and calming effects when used. It can also help with depression, anxiety symptoms and can help you to achieve a better night’s sleep. It is not psychoactive, which means you can’t get the ‘high’ feeling associated with cannabis. You can safely add it to drinks, food, or inhale it using a nebulising device to begin feeling some of the many benefits.

2. Gummies

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Gummies are a fun way to get your daily dose of CBD. These sweets are CBD infused and taste great so you can enjoy them as a tasty treat whilst still getting all the benefits. Gummies contain cannabidiol, which means they can help to alleviate pain, improve memory function, mood, and digestion.

They’re also great for helping anxiety and being easy to take, you can find relief on the go. CBD gummies also allow for precise dosage that will be clearly labelled on the packaging, this is beneficial when it comes to making sure you’re taking the correct amount to suit you,

3. Drink

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There is a range of CBD drinks on the market with something to suit all tastes. Carbonated drinks, botanical drinks, coffee, tea CBD drinks, and energy drinks. Using an oil means that CBD can be absorbed into the body quickly, but some people prefer to drink their dose of CBD.

Generally, you won’t notice a different taste with the pre-infused drinks like you would if you were adding oil, so they are preferable if you don’t enjoy the taste. Easy to take with you on the go, these drinks help to reduce anxiety, aid better quality sleep, and help with short-term pain relief.

4. Cream

source: pexels.com

CBD in the form of cream is used for a few different things, whether you need to soothe angry patches of skin or rejuvenate and restore some glow back into your face, CBD cream can work wonders. Easy to apply like an everyday moisturizer, it has anti-inflammatory properties to help soothe injuries and eczema.

5. Capsules

source: pexels.com

CBD capsules are a way of relieving symptoms of pain quickly. They are easy to swallow and digest meaning they provide relief as soon as you need it. They can soothe symptoms caused by arthritis and neuropathic pain caused by nerve damage. These capsules are pre-measured, so you know exactly how much to take each day to benefit you. They are a natural way to treat pain.

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