
5 Things To Look For When Buying Dj Equipment

Being a part of the music industry is a dream come true for a lot of people in the world. Sadly, we can see that only a small percentage of artists manage to become significant enough to attract the attention of the public. Naturally, we would say that having only quality is not something that can provide you with this attention.

To distance yourself from the crowd, you should have a certain twist that can make it possible. Of course, we are all aware of the fact that you need to know everything there is about the music and instruments that make it happen. Without this knowledge, chances of becoming a reputable artist will simply not be high enough. We can see that one of the most interesting sorts of artists nowadays are DJs.

To become a part of this story, you will need to know what equipment you will need to obtain. But this is not the only part. You should be aware of all the factors that surround it. Now, we would like to talk about things you need to have an insight into when you are about to buy some DJ equipment. Let’s take a look at these.

1. Opt for a Medium


When we take a look at DJing today, we can see that a vast majority of its purposes and intents revolve around the digital medium. Therefore, you will see that mp3 is the format that a vast majority of people use. Sure, we agree that many people don’t have a positive opinion about using this one. However, it needs to be said that there is no limitation about what formats you should use. Especially if you use CDs or vinyl.
We can see that pretty much all the gear you will find at the market will come with support for every possible format out there. When you know that formats that are not mp3 usually require more storage space, you should purchase a laptop that will have a high-capacity hard drive. Not only that, it needs to be as reliable as it can be. As you can see, just selecting a format without having a detailed insight isn’t an option.

2. Choose Apps and Software


Since we are talking about DJing, which has become digitalized in the last two decades, you will need to make a careful choice about the apps and software you will use. We know, there are a plethora of them to choose from. That’s why making a proper choice isn’t always easy. For that reason, you should consult with someone who has substantial experience in this field.

If you don’t have a chance to talk with anyone experienced enough, you should take a look at some online reviews. For those who don’t know, there are highly detailed reviews about a certain product you can find in pretty much all the sites that sell stuff. Many people dismiss these reviews as unreliable sources. However, we cannot stress enough how much insight these can provide you with. Be sure to consult them.

3. Knobs and Wires


When you get to the part when you are looking for the best equipment market has to offer, you should take a couple of factors into consideration. One of the greatest indicators about the gear itself is the condition of wires, knobs, and switches. These three factors can tell you a lot about it if you are interested in purchasing used equipment. If they are not in a proper condition, it means they are over-used.

In case you are not sure how the condition of new gear looks like, be sure to drop to the nearest shop and feel it for yourself. When you feel these out, you will know what you should look for. Thankfully, there are a lot of different reviews about a wide array of equipment you can find on sites like YouTube. Therefore, be sure to consult all of these before you are ready to decide between buying.

4. PA System


If you are interested in having the complete equipment at your side, then you should inspect all of the factors that make it quality or not. Sure, when you are a club DJ, you will use an in-house system. But when you want to have it all, you should start with DJ speakers. The reason is quite simple. These are a medium through which all the music will go to the crowd. If they are not good enough, you got a serious problem in front of you.

At the same time, knowing how to install these is crucial. Especially if you plan to bring your gear to the places where you have a gig. Sure, you can look for commercial installation speakers for your house. However, when you are about to transfer them from time to time, you will need to know a thing or two about it. Therefore, be sure to learn all there is to know about this department.

5. Headphones


Many people make the mistake that choosing headphones is an easy decision. For instance, many of them will take a look at some of the most expensive pieces on the market and they will opt for them. Sure, there is some logic behind that decision. However, you need to be aware of what you want from them before you buy.

Many people are not aware of the fact that different pieces are compatible with the different music genres. The reason is not as simple as many would believe. Every genre has a unique twist and getting all of these twists into one device is not an easy thing to do. Therefore, you should be aware of what you want from your headphones before you are ready to decide to buy.

The Conclusion

As you can see, there is more to selecting proper DJ equipment besides pointing a finger at a certain device. There are a lot of different things you need to be aware of. Here, you can take a look at some of the most significant ones.

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