AstrologyTarot Cards

The Hit List – 5 free ways to learn tarot when you’re on a budget

In this article, I will be covering 5 different tarot learning methods I use on a regular basis without having to sell my soul to the devil. 1. Tarot Cards 2. Tarot Books 3. Tarot Online Courses 4. Tarot Games 5. Tarot Websites

Tarot is a wonderful and ancient way to learn about yourself and your world. It’s also a fantastic way to learn about history, past and present, as well as the human psyche. And, with all the different styles of tarot, and the plethora of decks available, chances are you have a favourite. But what if you just want to learn tarot for free? The good news is that there are plenty of options for self-study. Here are 5 free ways to learn tarot when you’re on a budget.

Tarot cards have a chequered history. They were originally created in 13th. century Italy and then, in the early 17th. century, their reputation plummeted. This was after a series of highly influential and successful books by the 17th. century French scholar, court seiner, and Catholic priest, Antoine Court de Gébelin, who claimed that Tarot are linked to the mystical Egyptian god Thoth.


So you want to learn to read tarot, but you don’t have any money. I’ve been there. I got my first tarot deck when I was a teenager, and I can assure you that my finances were minimal and my resources scarce. But my passion was boundless, and I found many ways to learn about tarot without spending a cent, other than the original deck and book. Here are some things you can do without it costing you a penny: 1. The internet is your best help. You’ll find a wealth of information ranging from tarot card interpretation to riddles, tips and more. With one click of the mouse, you will be in tarot study heaven! (Psst… When I started learning tarot, the internet didn’t exist – consider yourself lucky! 2. Ask your friends and family if you can read their cards. Chances are, most people will say yes! (Who doesn’t want to read a tarot?) Practicing with real people will help you gain confidence quickly. This was my way of learning the Tarot. 3. Join free online tarot groups. You can find many sociable groups with other card playing enthusiasts who also want to practice. 4. Ask your library for tarot books. You may not understand what some people want to read about the tarot! 5. Read the cards to yourself – and write about them in your journal. In fact, it’s my favorite way to learn. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. And a journal is a great way to record measurements and mark your progress. Here are some easy ways to get started if your wallet is limited. What are your favorite ways to study tarot? Iris are so delicate and beautiful. They are the linen for the flowers.


Other materials

From NPR: A guide to gender identity terms. Meet Kimberly Cooley, the light behind the Abundant Life Tarot.

The story of my life: We don’t know how to dress anymore. Awesome. 5 minutes where you will love the percussion. The ever wise Christiana Godet has written an excellent article for tarot professionals: Five things to help you find your niche as a tarot professional. I’ve never been there: Pandemic or not, graduation is back. At the forefront of protecting women’s reproductive rights: State between care and violence. From Vanity Fair magazine: Peter Lindberg and Azzedine Alaia, a friendship in black and white. Go ahead: A high school student’s powerful speech on abortion rights during his graduation went viral.

What is climate justice? A framework for understanding the world. From Bustle: How to get through Mercury retrograde without drama. You will definitely want to pick up this book: The Tarot of the Moon: Layouts and sayings for every month of the year. Ooh: Moon node: What they mean and how they affect your life. We are very interested in this: A lantern in the dark: Navigate the crossroads of life through history, rituals and sacred astrology. If Rushunda Trumble is in, I’m in: A Guide to the Numerical Tarot: A new way to read cards. Soon, my pretties, soon: Tarot for children! You can place your pre-order now. On you. So many people have told me about the Tarot: Without a doubt: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading gives them confidence in using the tarot. On you. Take your favorite deck of cards, a copy of this book and shuffle your cards! Want to listen instead of read – and study the tarot? The tarot: Without a doubt: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.

It can be difficult to know where to start with an introduction to astrology. It’s right here:  Astrology for Real Life: A beginner’s guide (a guide for curious astrology lovers). Unusual Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle is a beautiful global card game created by the amazing Shaheen Miro (and me!). Looking for a fun way to learn tarot? I have something for you: Tarot coloring book. Life can be difficult, but tarot can help. Tarot for Hard Times is a useful book full of rituals, magic, shadow work and tarot. Classes Join my Patreon community!  I offer advanced daily card readings, astrological messages, community tarot practice, political astrology, early horoscope reviews, hot dates….. And much more. Higher levels provide access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, etc.

What I’m thankful for:

img source:

Excellent dental care Deserving charities Lip balm for a hot day Stacks of books and magazines A journey with a loved one

sound track on 6/5/21:

A turning point in my sobriety by Tanitha Tikaram Blessings, Teresa Theresa Reed: The Lady of the Tarot 2024 Images from stock photos and personal collectionsTarot cards are a great way to learn how to read the deep wells of our subconscious. And while there are plenty of ways to learn tarot for free and a slew of easy-to-use software and resources, many tarot enthusiasts end up having to pay for the best. But don’t get discouraged! There are plenty of great free tarot resources out there, and we’re going to tell you about some of them.. Read more about the night tarot card meaning and let us know what you think.

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