
Sports Betting Terms and Glossary all Beginners Should Know

Betting is now more predominant than ever considering today’s faced-paced audience who are always kept on the edge with nail-biting finishes from all kinds of sporting events. Even though the outcomes of a game can never truly be predicted exactly some take the time and effort to study games in such a way that they could make money out of their educated assumptions. For example, a $5 min deposit casino in Australia can be one of the rules.

Which is what betting aims to make money out of. If you are a person who likes to stake money over unpredictable probabilities then here are a few essential terms you should be familiar with across the board – this term is usually used in horse racing and means that the horse being wagered on has equal stakes to win.

1. Action


There are two definitions for this term; a Common term to represent the number of bets wagered on any kind of sporting affair. The other definition arises from baseball which implies that no pitchers were listed with a baseball bet.

2. Against the spread

It is defined as the outcome conceived when the point spread of a wagering affair is taken into consideration. A term used to indicate the betting result of an event that takes the point spread into account and can sometimes refer to a team’s record against the spread.

3. Bad beat

Appearing as a win but a loss in truth, which seemed to be unsatisfactory ultimately ending in failure.

4. Beard


An anonymous person who wagers on your behalf is known as a beard.

5. Bettor

A person who wagers on sporting events is termed as a bettor.

6. Book

An institution that facilitates wagering on sporting affairs and another kind of events is known as a book.

7. Bookie


A person who undertakes wagers on sporting occasions and similar affairs is called a bookie.

8. Buck

A 100$ wager is known as a buck.

9. Buy points

The bookmaker provides a half-point or more for which the bettor has to provide payment. The ability to purchase this is known as buy points.

10. Chalk

The team favored or the favored player in a sporting affair is known as the chalk.

11. Circled game

Sometimes due to bad weather and such the limits of the game is reduced this is known as a circled game.

12. Cover


If the point spread kept by the bookies are beaten by the bettors i.e winning by a margin is called “ covering the spread”.

13. Dime

When a person places a 1K dollar bet it’s termed as a dime wager.

14. Dime line

If the ‘vig’ of a sporting event is 10 per cent it is known as a dime line.

15. Dog

The dog is usually a team that the betting pundits and people related to it consider a losing team. Basically an underdog’s.

16. Dollar

A dollar is almost the same as a dime wager.

17. Edge

Edge is considered as the assumed percentage of winning the bet for the better before the bet is considered.

18. Even money

When a bet is not associated with any percentage of ‘vig’ it is termed as even money.

19. Favorite


Keeping the point spread in mind, the team or player expected to perform well or win is known as a favorite.

20. Futures

When wagers/ bets are placed on a sporting affair brought held later on in the future, as in betting on a team to win the league before the league starts or after the league ends is called ‘futures’.

21. Handicapping

The practice of winning bets by utilizing certain statistics or anomalies or trends is termed as handicapping and the person using these methods to win is known as a handicapper.

22. Hedging

Also termed as middling. The process of reducing the odds of losing by placing wagers on the opponent side of an ongoing bet is termed hedging.

23. Hook

Half points termed as a hook.

24. Juice

Referred also as ‘vig’ is the percentage of commission which the ‘book’ Obtains from every wager placed.

25. Laying the points

When points ATS are given up by wagering on the favorite it is termed as laying the points.

26. Limit

The maximum amount of money that the ‘book’ allows placing on a single bet is known as a limit.

27. Lines


Odds are called lines that narrate a spread.

28. Line maker

The lines maker is an individual who lays down the opening line on an event.

29. Listed pitcher

The pitchers listed in a bet on whom the bets are taken is called listed pitchers. If one or more of the pitchers do not take part then the bet is considered invalid.

30. Lock

A definite winner.

31. Long shot

A team or a player thought to have minimal chances of winning or basically a ‘dog’s’ winning probability is considered as a long shot.

32. Money line

In some instances bets are placed on a team or a player who is expected to win without any point spread included such a bet is termed as ‘money line’.

33. Nickel


Half a ‘dime’ bet or a 500$ bet is termed as a nickel.

34. Nickel line

When the percentage of a vig is 5 per cent it is termed as a nickel line.

35. No action

When a bet is not played or negated along with reimbursement its called no action.

36. Off the board

This could also be considered as ‘off the bet’ as this takes place when the bettors withdraw from a wager due to unforeseen situations.

37. Over

When the total updated by a sportsbook is exceeded by the points scored.

38. Over/under


Wagers placed on the total no of points scored by both teams below or above a certain number quoted by the ‘book’ is termed as over/under.

39. Parlay

It is a type of bet in which the wager is taken on several sporting affairs where the bet is won only if the party is victorious in all of it.

Betting and life have quite a bonding with each other as both are just a game of odds. In betting it’s on a team or a player performing for a franchise. Whereas in life you are the franchise and you are the player you are wagering on. The only difference is the stakes. Unibet is the best place to know more about the world of betting and its glossary.

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