
How To Pass An Exam: 8 Proven Tips From Students

Each year before exams, every student has a question “How to pass the session without problems?” The simplest answer is to study. But if something doesn’t add up in the scheme of things, you could use some student tips. Share with you the ones that have helped students for centuries.

1. Find out from your seniors how a certain instructor takes an exam


Sometimes it’s psychologically easier to prepare for an exam when you know how a particular teacher behaves toward students. If he is friendly, you cannot worry, and calmly pass the exam. And if he is not nice, it’s better to spend an hour or two longer sitting over the questions, but you’d better warn yourself that you’re not going to retake it. So don’t hesitate to ask the older guys. Or at least it may be better to turn to the writer service by EssayAssistant for your personal comfort and confidence. Perhaps this information will save you in a difficult moment.

2. If you don’t have notes – make a photocopy from your classmate


If for some reason you did not keep notes or missed some lectures, it is advisable to ask a classmate for his notebook and photocopy it. Some professors like students to respond strictly to lectures. And it will make it easier for you to learn. The notes usually contain the main information. It’s easier to read 50 notebook pages than 300 book pages.

3. Learn at least half of the questions

When the subject of the exam is really hard, learn at least half of the questions. Usually, the questions are arranged in chronological order and the professors split them in half. If you realize that you cannot cope with everything, then learn at least a good half of the tickets.

If you answer brilliantly, you’ll get an “A” on your report card. And the second part of the material is better to reread, to show that you’re on the subject and get an extra bonus point.

4. Writing cheat sheets develops your visual memory


Cheat sheets can help you do more than just “cheat while the professor isn’t looking.” When you cut down a lecture into four by four centimeters on your own, you develop your visual memory at the same time. It would be cool if, during the preparation for the answer, you could see the whole text in front of your eyes and pass the exam on your own without any problems.

5. Use the syllabus

At every exam, teachers post a syllabus with a summary of the discipline. Do not ignore this little treasure trove of valuable information. Look through it carefully. Familiar words and sentences will help you remember much of the information (names of scholars, classifications, terms). All you have to do is expand on the topic.

6. Be confident and don’t worry


Don’t get too anxious and shake with fear before every test. Try to cope with your worries. After all, there are many exams in every session, and your nerves simply may not be enough for all of them. Take your exams more easily.

7. Don’t hesitate to negotiate with your teacher


It’s not uncommon for brave students to be able to improve their scores on an exam by knowing

. For example, they ask them to answer one more question in order to improve their score. Or they come up with other equally effective tricks.

8. The main thing is not to retake it

If the discipline is really difficult and you understand that even if you had 100 days instead of three, you still haven’t mastered it, be strong. The main thing is not to retake it. After all, you can not eliminate the academic debt more than two times. The third takes place with a special commission, and there you are not far from being expelled.

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