This week, we take a look at two MMOs that are being released in the West this week: World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, Chains of Domination, and Black Desert’s Corsair class. If you’re curious about either, be sure to check out the new content in-game this week and let us know what you think.
This week, MMOs have been getting some hot new content. World of Warcraft added the first of its new chains of dungeons, and Black Desert Online launched its first PvP content. Not to be outdone, Guild Wars 2 went back to its roots with the addition of a raiding dungeon. And while these were all great additions, it was the Corsair class expansion for Black Desert that stole the show.
This week in MMO Week in Review, we cover WoW’s Chains of Domination, Black Desert’s Corsair, and how the Two Towers of Azeroth and Asheron’s Call are doing in the world of free-to-play games.
The big news this week in MMORPGs was the news that World of Warcraft has finally chosen a release date for the 9.1 patch, Chains of Domination : 29. June. So you don’t have to wait long, even if you have all been waiting for more than 200 days .
Meanwhile, Heidel Ball announced the Corsair class and new summer season servers for Black Desert, character creation began for Aion Classic, Phantasy Star Online 2 apologized in familiar fashion for the failed launch of New Genesis, Elder Scrolls Online received Endeavors and Console Enhanced system updates, and Anarchy Online celebrated its 20th anniversary. Congratulations!
Today, as every Sunday, read Massively Overpowered’s weekly review for the best MMO news and opinions of the week!

World of Warcraft 9.1 Chains of Domination comes out on the 29th. June – The World of Warcraft retailer has finally given a release date for the first major patch since Shadowlands: Chains of Domination will be released on the 29th. June. Chains of Domination content update includes…
The game Archaeologist: Anarchy Online, from development to beta – We all have stories about the very first MMORPGs, and I often talk about my first immersion in the genre with Anarchy Online. I…
Heidel Ball 2024: Black Desert announces summer servers, shows off new Corsair class – This morning, Black Desert held its digital Heidel Ball event, which was filled to the brim with announcements and revelations. At the top of the list is a new…
The Lord of the Rings Online Summer Festival is back – The new Lord of the Rings Online Summer Festival is back for a new series of wedding-themed events. While Standing Stone Games has no Hobbit gifts for the summer (it’s…

Blade & Soul reveals dual sword class in new trailer – Blade & Soul certainly has no shortage of sword character classes, or even dual sword classes, but what if there was a dual sword class? Here’s what’s coming…
Ship of Heroes is calling on everyone to participate in a beta event in July, delaying the launch until 2024. Ship of Heroes isn’t coming out this year, fam, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play it. In fact, the studio wants you to take….
Rumor: IO Interactive’s Microsoft-backed Dragon Project could be an MMO – Smart Redditors have caught an interesting snippet from the Xbox Two podcast that promises interesting news for MMO players. Back in April, there were rumors that IO Interactive…
I think too much: Is overlay technology really toxic to the MMO community? – MOP reader ACuriousTanuki left a brilliant comment on Palia’s article earlier this month, which I think deserves further discussion. Tanuki wonders how the game instantiates and overlays….. reconciles.
Unclear instructions on the patch: Bugs in the MMO – Apparently, playing Phantasy Star Online 2 was quite difficult: New Genesis. I don’t know from personal experience (fool me once, shame on you, etc.) but …..
Interview: Neverwinter’s lead designer talks about level flattening and explains why the new limit will (probably) always be 20 – [AL:NW]Neverwinter is about to overhaul its entire level curve, bringing level 80 players down to the new hard limit of level 20 and all…
Bless Unleashed comes out on the 6th. August is finally coming to PC – Neowiz and Round8 made a big announcement last night for Bless Online: The PC version of the console game that rose from the ashes of the original PC MMO is finally here.

Elder Scrolls Online’s Effort Reward System is finally up and running – After delays due to the launch of Blackwood, ZeniMax has finally introduced a long-awaited new effort system to Elder Scrolls Online. Essentially, it’s a reward…
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis fixes bugs and offers apology items – Phantasy Star Online 2: The new Genesis is desolate. Too bad, guys. No, the team behind the game means exactly that. Despite the fact that the game is so popular that…
Desert Oasis : The Atoraxxian dungeon in Black Desert is a good idea, but will it last long? – Burgers and fries, Mario and Luigi, Garfunkel and Oates. Are there any other emblematic couples? Indeed! Role-playing games and dungeons. Whether it’s the massive 100-story Via Infinito building in Final…
Character creation and name reservation for Aion Classic begins today – hurry! Go home and get ready for the Aion classic! No time to explain why! О… Wait, it turns out that’s our job, so we’re doing a little distraction …..
Choose my adventure: Dive into the vast ocean of crafting and collecting in Star Wars Galaxies – Crafting in Star Wars Galaxies was the biggest thing in MMORPGs. How many times have you read comments like this? I know, I’ve seen similar comments…..
New World launches new teaser video series called New World Legends – Amazon is launching a new video series in preparation for the big launch of New World this summer. It’s called Legends of New World, and it’s something between a tonal work and a…
Chronicles of Elyria: Kingdoms of Elyria gameplay preview and a description of the path to alpha release – Soulbound Studios CEO Jeromy Walsh is back to talk about Kingdoms of Elyria in a new video, this time featuring a detailed gameplay preview and explaining how the game will…
Activision-Blizzard extends controversial shareholder vote on executive pay – MMO readers will recall that earlier this year the industry erupted over a PR fiasco that Activision-Blizzard failed to adequately respond to: In the midst of another round of layoffs ….
A casual classic: What if you don’t want to participate in raids in WoW Classic Burning Crusade? – If I had to summarize what my WoW Classic guild does in the first few weeks of Burning Crusade, it would be race to 70, speed up and…
Elder Scrolls Online Releases Console Enhanced Patch Today and Tackles ESO 2 – The Console Enhanced patch for Elder Scrolls Online has been released for console gamers today, with the download starting at dawn this morning. As ZeniMax said earlier, the update is essentially…
Albion Online’s mobile launch propels game count to new record of 270,000 – In today’s launched MOP podcast, I joke that when I step into Albion Online this weekend, I’ll be overwhelmed by the sound of thousands of footsteps from…
E3 2024 : Phantasy Star Online 2 airs live-action trailer for new Genesis – I always find it strange when a video game studio airs a trailer for a game with live actors. It’s the extra marketing boost…
E3 2024 : EVE Online talks about the launch of its EVE Academy website – EVE Online promised to make some reveals at the PC Gaming Show portion of this year’s E3, and it did. Specifically, CCP Games has revealed…

Fight or kite: Leafling Online is a retro action MMO for PvPers and grinders – When I saw our recent review of Leafling Online, I jumped on the game almost immediately. The game is currently in early access, but studio Celtaria Productions says it is being developed as a free-to-play game …
Nym’s wisdom: Speculations about reaper mechanics in Final Fantasy XIV are premature – So! Last week I made an assumption about Sage that will most likely prove to be an incorrect prediction in terms of task mechanics and overall play style. Was this a good idea? Who knows? This is…
E3 2024 : Transformers Heavy Metal, Icarus, Halo Infinite, The Crew 2, Babylon’s Fall, Ascent, Rawmen, Naraka Bladepoint, Chivalry 2 – In addition to The Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76, Diablo II Resurrected, Sea of Thieves, Riders Republic, and Redfall, there are several other multiplayer games that…
E3 2024 : In Bethesda’s Redfall, cooperative teams fight a vampire invasion. If you’re tired of great love stories with vampires, grab a gun and destroy those bloodsuckers. It’s, uh…

Check out our weekly MMO Weekly Roundup for the latest news in the MMO genre and the best content from Massively OP! Would you like a wider choice of materials? Try Betawatch on Friday for more MMO testing, Make My MMO on Saturday for more MMO crowdfunding, and The MOP Up on Sunday, with a recap of all the news we’re not covering anywhere else.
ViewLast week, I talked about WoW’s Chains of Domination and Black Desert’s Corsair, as part of MMO Week in Review . This week, I’d like to take a look at another MMO that took the top spot in the global sales charts in 2015, and discussed a few months back in MMO Week in Review .. Read more about wow blizzcon leaks and let us know what you think.
Final Fantasy 16 development delayed ‘almost half a year’ due to COVID-19. Yoshida said that the Final Fantasy 16 team plans “to conduct our next big reveal in spring of 2024 don’t miss out the news from