
What Is Epicanthoplasty: An Overview

In today’s era, one can change everything through plastic surgery. One can get any shape, and size and get perfect beauty. Plastic surgery has been a very common and trendiest surgery all over the world. This is one of the most demanding parts of medical science.

What exactly is Epicanthoplasty?


Epicanthoplasty: an eye surgery: This surgery is done for the modification of the epicanthal folds of our eyes. It internally modifies the inner part of the eye. The best part of the surgery is it transforms the normal eyes, into bigger eyes making them more attractive.

Epicanthal fold is a condition of our eye that forms some internal lines in our eye. As a result, this makes the eyes look smaller and unattractive.

Epicanthoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that adds natural beauty to one’s eyes. We all know, that the eyes are the most attractive part of the human body. Eyes have the deep captivating power stored within them. Epicanthoplasty just adds more flavours to it!

If you ever think to do eye surgery, you can always contact the best eye surgeons at ICloudHospital

What are the benefits of Epicanthoplasty?


There are numerous benefits of eye surgery.

Few are listed below:

  • Makes the yes internally healthy, hence ensuring proper functioning of the eyes
  • Reduces the stress on the eyes.
  • Makes eyes look more attractive
  • Makes the eyes larger and brighter. Hence ensures that proper distance is maintained between medial parts of the eyes,
  • Helps in proper blood circulation inside the eyes.
  • Gives perfect space in the eyes to use cosmetic products
  • It removes the shagginess of the eyes.
  • Changes the structure of the face, making it sexy, classy, and bold
  • Reduces the epicanthic folds.

The eye surgeons at are professionally trained and experienced doctors who have good expertise in the enlargement surgery of eyes.

What are the side effects of epicanthoplasty?


There are very few or rare side effects of epicanthoplasty. Let’s have a look into it.

  • Certain allergies may happen after the surgery due to the involvement of skin
  • Some people might come across certain infections in the internal part of the eyes. However, these infections get cured over time.
  • There might be a few scars on the tissues of the eyes. But it can be cured over time.

However, if you do eye surgery under a good and experienced surgeon, then there are very rare chances of side effects. The operation will be very successful and will give the best results.

Why choose ICloud Hospital for eye surgery?

Eye surgery is one of the riskiest surgery. To perform this experienced surgeons are highly required as it involves life risk for patients. The iCloud hospital has all these features with its surgeons. Its surgeons are highly talented. If you opt for eye surgery, then you should choose ICloud hospital. The services are indeed seamless that will increase the beauty of your eyes.

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