GamblingTips The Psychology Behind Gambling

You know the kind of person who seems to have it all and can succeed at anything they set their mind to? Sometimes it seems downright amazing how some people give the impression that they were born under a lucky star and that no obstacle can stand in their way and knock them down.

What if you could be one of those people? Scientists and psychologists around the world have noted over the years that luck is neither random nor innate, but is formed just like any other ability.

Gambling is betting money on the outcome of an event with a vague expectation for profit. This is a worldwide business with profits in the number of billions. The oldest game of chance is the dice game. You can always find more information about games on Nowadays gambling is a popular source of entertainment. In fact it represents a rather paradoxical behavior. Everyone knows – “the house always wins”.

No matter which game you choose, the calculations are made in such a way that the House will always make a profit. Some games have a smaller House edge, some have a bigger one, but necessarily everything is in the casino’s favor.

This is no secret. So why do gamblers keep betting, even though they know they will lose? There has been a lot of research on this, but the conclusion is that gamblers overestimate their chances of winning and thus promote an illusion of control over random events.

Gambling addiction

Also referred to as ludomania, this type of addiction is the urge to play, despite the negative consequences or the decision to stop. This problem is diagnosed as pathological gambling if the patient meets certain criteria. Although the term addiction is common in recovery, pathological gambling is considered to be an impulse control disorder and is not considered to be an addiction.

Problem gambling is characterized by difficulties in limiting money or time spent by the gambler. Today pathological gambling is defined as a separate form of a manic episode.

Gambling consists of placing a bet on the outcome of a certain event. Bets can be placed on horse racing, sports competitions, games of chance such as bingo, lottery, cards, backgammon, roulette. The prospect of a big and quick win motivates people to take financial risks and can lead to addiction.

The secret about the psychology of luck


Some of the best-known theories about how thinking can influence luck can be found in the book The Secret and the documentary of the same name, which was filmed by leading figures in science and history who noted how luck is actually a phenomenon that can be shaped by each individual.

The secret is not hard to understand, nor difficult to apply: as long as you know what you want and manage to focus on the object of desire in a positive way, it will come to you much faster. The psychology of lucky people is based on asking the universe for the things you dream of, and then having them given to you exactly as you imagined. In short, the law of attraction.

The Secret talks about a few principles that you can put into practice every day until you succeed in attracting luck to your side. It may happen very quickly, almost overnight, but it can take longer: the important thing is not to give up and to trust.

How to attract the luck

Set your intention – the first thing you need to do is think about what you would like to achieve. Don’t be afraid to dream big and set goals, even if they may seem distant. It’s good, though, that your intention has an ounce of realism – if you dream of becoming President of the United States and you don’t have American citizenship either, it would be pretty hard to achieve that.

On the other hand, if you want to become rich, buy a bigger house and a new car, there’s no reason not to believe in your dream. Everyone who has achieved what they wanted in life started out with a dream, so don’t put up barriers, but dare to speak out about what you want to have.

Think hard about what you want and make a picture of your dream object – how do you represent your wealth? How much money would you like to have in your account? What would you like your future home to look like? Imagine exactly what you want to achieve and eventually find or draw a picture that reflects the dream, so that you have the image of the desired thing in front of you as often as possible.

Set aside at least 5 minutes every day to imagine that you already have that thing and feel like you have already achieved everything you want. Scientists call this the law of attraction – think as much as you can about what you want to attract and you will get it. Don’t think about negative things, because you risk getting them.

Be grateful for what you already have – make a list in your head of the positives in your life. Lucky people psychology is not just about longing for the future, it’s also about gratitude for the present. Does it seem like you don’t have wonderful things that deserve your gratitude?

The fact that every morning you wake up in your own bed and can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, meeting with loved ones in your family or friends – every little thing is something worth enjoying and appreciating.

Aversion to loss


Nobody starts gambling with the idea of losing. Losing is – to put it mildly – unpleasant. Research has shown that people who place another bet immediately after losing are more intrigued by the frustration of losing than the possibility of winning. Other studies indicate that women are more concerned about being seen to lose the bet, so they are more likely to engage in private games where it is not so obvious.

Men, on the other hand, prefer games where they can rely on skill and don’t just fall prey to chance. For example, they choose games based on a wide range of skills such as poker (although chance plays a massive role in it too), where cognitive processes such as the illusion of control can make them believe they can discover a pattern, device or strategy to change the odds in their favor.


Whether you are a loss averse person or you just think you will have more luck next time, you need to decide if gambling is for you. This can be a fun activity and it can relax you but you need to keep in mind to always play the amount of money you can afford to lose.

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