
Warriors at Home ─ Challenges Faced by Veterans and Military Families

Soldiers sacrifice their lives for the benefit of our nation. Some of them get wounded, and their lives change permanently, creating challenges that affect their families. When they go to fight for the sake of the nation, their families sacrifice and serve as well.

For this reason, we all should unite to support them in all ways possible. Apart from the government, numerous charitable organizations, including Wounded Warrior Family Support, have made the lives of veterans easy by offering medical, emotional, educational, and financial aid. Since they are families like any other, their challenges are the same as those of other families.

However, they should be cared for even more so for they sacrifice their lives for the greatest need. Let us see the challenges our heroes face so that we can be more considerate and passionate towards them and their loved ones.

Unemployment for Veteran and Military Spouses


The current economy makes it hard for a family to depend on one person. A single wage-earner cannot completely cover all the bills. Military families are going through this challenge since most of their spouses are jobless or underemployed.

Likewise, veterans may find it hard to secure a job after leaving the military since some come back wounded and cannot perform as they used to. There is also the difficulty of transitioning from military life to civilian life. We should not solely depend on the government to provide support for them, but instead, we should actively participate.

We can direct our donations towards trusted charities for wounded veterans to ensure we reach even those we don’t know that there’s help out there.

Additionally, we should make the issue visible and involve private organizations that can offer jobs to qualified military or veteran spouses. Another method to achieve this goal is by engaging state licensing authorities to provide military spouses whose job requires them to move from state to state with provisional licenses.

While the government has changed its laws for the benefit of military spouses, putting them in the same preference as veterans, most civilian offices do not realize they can make a difference by exercising the same.

Child Care and Education


Most military and veteran children experience challenges in getting a good education. A military lifestyle is difficult, as most times when one parent is deployed for long periods, it forces them to live away from their families. This often affects the quality of their children’s education success, as they are caught between the decision of relocating with their families or leaving them behind.

Likewise, a veteran’s child’s academic success might be affected when the only breadwinner for the family is released from the military, making their financial status challenging. The biggest number of veterans and military children attend public schools in their community.

Nonprofit and charitable organizations should work with the government to ensure these children get quality education for a brighter future.

Families and Base Closure


Military families have faced difficulties when the bases their fathers or mothers worked on are closed. The Defense Department should consider the needs of those families before making decisions that affect them.

When selecting bases for the military, the Department of Defense should ensure that the military families get a quality life. They should provide better medical centers, houses, schools, and other important needs for a family. Additionally, they should follow up on the lives of veterans to ensure they have transitioned successfully.

When veterans are transitioning to civilian lives, their families are also transitioning too. Therefore, nonprofit organizations should work together with the government and the community to make the transition smoother and more successful. Military and veteran families should thrive because they sacrifice for the sake of the whole nation.

In conclusion, the military are our heroes whether they are in service or not. Veterans, military spouses, and children are just heroes at home. They give their life for the peace and safety of the nation, and so their need should not be forgotten.

The government and private organizations should work together to provide jobs for veterans and military spouses to ensure their children get quality education and all life amenities. The transitioning process of the veterans should be made smoother and easier by giving them financial and mental support to give them a long and comfortable life for being our heroes.

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